Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ode to Skylie....

So yesterday was Skylie's 4th birthday. It was kind of a low key day. She had her friend Kamree over. Then we just played outside in the sprinkler's, jumped on the tramp, and played with water balloons. The only thing that she wanted to do for her birthday was have a pet shop b-day cake. So Kristy made that for her and it turned out so cute.

Her b-day got me thinking about the last four years I've had with Skylie. The pregnancy is still so fresh in my mind. Probably one of the worse pregnancy's of all my kids. I literally could not walk cause my hips hurt so bad. I still remember packing up my kids and their bikes into my van, only to drive one block to the church so they could ride bikes cause I couldn't walk that far. And then once she decided to finally come, 9 DAYS LATE, she really wanted to come. From first contraction to end it was only 2 hours. I still remember her poor little blue, bruised face from being born so fast.

Skylie is such a fun little girl. I love her personality so much. She is always just off in her own little world singing, dancing, and talking to herself (usually in her princess voice we all love). She loves dressing up and is always changing her outfits throughout the day. She always wears dresses. She loves wearing makeup and thinks she is the prettiest thing alive when she gets it on.

Skylie is a smart little girl. So smart that she some how got Brette and I to take turns piggybacking her all the way up and down the H.S. hill cause she hurt her toe. And when I say hurt I mean she poked her toe on a little tiny thistle of some sort. She really milked that one. And even the next day tried to trick Brette into carrying her into the house because of it. She is always saying the funniest, most clever things.

Here's my mom desperately trying to find any sort of mark on Skylie's injured toe.

I can read Skylie's mind here. Happy as can be that she tricked Brette.

Happy Birthday Skylie!!!! Please always stay as sweet and enjoyable as you are now!!


Hilorie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SKYLIE! I can't believe she is already 4!! I remember when she was born! Time as gone by so quickly!!

The Eatons said...

To Skylie,

Will you please wait for me to get home from my mission?

Love, Charlie

bgibb said...

Brette: "Skylie, does your toe still hurt?"
Skylie: "yes"
Brette: "are you sure?"
Skylie: "i'm sure i don't want to walk"

the fellers said...

she is SO cute! I LOVE her eyes!

Tanya said...

She is adorable!

melissa said...

My word trace, she really is beautiful! i know a lot of people say that about kids, but skylie really does have such a beautiful face, its flawless. Gosh i can't wait to see you guys on the first. i'm craving it right now more than ever!! the other day me and stace were talking about going up, and all stace could talk about was how excited she is to take pictures of your family with the alberta skies in the backround! we just love all your cute kids-just wish we saw them more.

Brianne said...

She sounds a lot like Cassie. She is so cute!!