Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nurse Skylie.....

We seriously can not keep enough band-aids on hand with Skylie around....

Your probably wondering what in the world happened to her poor leg that she needs 50 band aids on it. Looks like maybe she got a hold of my razor or had a bad accident on her bike. Nope. Someone probably bumped into her or she fell. Any excuse to put on a band aid. Especially the big expensive ones. She usually always has a band aid some where and will keep it on forever. And no I don't give her permission to do this, she just knows right where they are and helps herself any time she gets "hurt". She even likes to put them on innocent bystanders......

The other day I was popping a zit, gross I know (why at my age am I getting zits anyways????) and I started bleeding a little. Skylie had a horrified look on her face when she saw it and said, "Mom it would be a lot safer it we put a band aid on that." Then she jumped up and got me a band aid and on it went.


Randee said...

I'm glad that I not the only one with a daughter like that. Hallie has finally use all of are up.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! that is so funny! you just need to give in and get cool princess bandaids so at least they are fashionable

the fellers said...

I guess she just has your safety in mind tracie! I LOVE this, your kids are so funny!

Anonymous said...

love all the picture and all the fun. Good work mom.

bgibb said...

A) that's really funny. i laughed out loud at the picture of kash with a band aid

B) who is patricia. and why did she sign "mom". does mom have another secret blog?

Anonymous said...

brette that is a very good question!