Monday, September 27, 2010

First day of school....

Everybody else posts about the first day of school so I guess that means I can too! To say the kids were excited would be an understatement. I remember as a kid being so excited to wear my new school clothes, put on the new back pack and new shoes. It's so fun watching my kids do the same thing.

I walked them to school for the first day. Unfortunately Haylie and Micah are too cool now to have their Mom walk them into their classrooms. Luckily Briggs still wanted me to go with him.
Micah, grade 4, Mrs. Dittman

Haylie, grade 5, Mrs. Bright

Briggs, grade 2, Mrs. Romeril

Skylie started kindergarten this year and didn't start until the next day. I got to go with her on her first day. Luckily since this is my fourth kindergarten orientation I was well prepared for the "kissing hand" and didn't shed any tears. (they always read the same story, then you have to kiss each others hand and it makes me tear up usually). She was really excited for her first day and has been loving going to school. Her teacher is Mrs. Bennett.

As for me, I'm liking having the schedule that being back to school brings. I'm already sick of making lunches but I'd better get used to it. Poor Summer doesn't know what to do with herself in the afternoons when Kash is sleeping and she is by herself. (poor me is more like it, haha)


Anonymous said...

haha, i love that you read the kissing hand too. spencers pre school has done a lot with the kissing hand.
the kids all look so cute and grown up!!

Charmaine said...

I love your new blog picture where they are all lined up tallest to smallest. (I know smallest is not a word but it sounds better)

Leslie said...

oh my heck tracie only two kids left at school? that is crazy! everyone looks so grown up! especially briggs and skylie...

the fellers said...

oh I LOVED the first day of school, I could honestly feel how excited I would get when I was looking at those pictures of your kids!

bgibb said...

i can't believe how big your kids are! my fav first day of school memory (ok, maybe i don't really remember it, but the photo brings memories to mind) bringing that lime green suitecase looking bag to kindergarden. why lime green? why a suite case??
and i love that you're updating your blog so often!

Ashley said...

I have been doing some blog catching up so this comment is to an old post. I covet your vaccum. Please forgive me.

Candace said...

Your kids are so cute. I still can't believe that you have 6, what are you thinking girl. I'm so nervous for #4. I hear you on the being back to school and being on a regular schedule. It's kinda nice.