Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Art Show

Micah is seriously the sweetest girl. She is so quiet, does not demand a lot of attention, she is perfectly happy reading a book (and when she does she blocks everything out around her), drawing, or doing some kind of craft. When they advertised for art classes I knew this was right up Micah's alley and I signed her up. She has taken two eight week classes now and is loving it. I love picking her up after her class because she is absolutely beaming. From the time she could hold a pencil she has been drawing, coloring (all over EVERYTHING), and always loved sitting at the table just practicing her letters or writing her name. She loves writing stories, and writing songs. She has a little design book that she designs all kinds of dresses in. Anyways, the other day there was an art show to display all the art work they have worked on in their classes.

Here's a cute necklace that she made. They made the beads first, then painted them and then put it all together in a necklace.

Here's some scratch art that she did. Hers is the butterfly. Her teacher said she worked so hard finishing this.

Love this cat that she made.

It was fun to go and see all the fun stuff that she has been working on.


shannon said...

oh i wish that i lived closer so i could go and check out all her stuf and ooh and aah.
good job micah

Leslie said...

i'm wish shan, wish so bad i could have been there! she'll have to show her work to me when i get home! i love that she is taking art classes, i can only imagine how much she loves it!