Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well I really need to get blogging again, even if it is just so that no one has to see that "Haylie is 11" ever again. There's lots I need and should blog about, but for my own entertainment I'll just write about a conversation I heard the other day. Cause those are my favorite.

Me: If you could be any dinosaur which one would you choose?
Skylie: Ummm, a tyrannosaurus. What would you want to be Summer?
Summer: Umm, I think a dragon.
Me: Why would you choose a dragon?
Summer: Cause I could blow fire.
Skylie: But then you would kill people.
Summer: No, I would only kill bees. And robbers.

I don't know why but Summer is always so concerned about robbers lately. She is always asking questions about them. Do robbers run fast? Are robbers girls or boys? Do robbers live here? Why are you locking our door? Is it to keep the robbers out? What do robbers look like?

Another conversation that happened a while ago when Skylie and I were putting the nativity away.

Skylie was putting away the donkey and says to me, "Mom, I know how to say donkey in french."
(I'm thinking what in the world is she going to say and where did she hear it.)
Me: Oh, how do you say it?
Skylie: Donk.


Leslie said...

tracie you cant imagine the excitment i had when i saw you had updated! and your post did not dissapoint! i am so happy i now know how to say donkey in french! haha

shannon said...

tell sky she is so smart to know french!
and tell summer that i was always scared of robbers too. i remember if mom left us in the car while she ran into a store in cardston, i would always lock the doors, cuz i was sure someone was going to steal us... i guess that made me afraid of kiddinappers. but i can relate.

bgibb said...

that is so funny that she's watns to kill bees and robbers. and donkey in french made me laugh out loud. literally.