Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a random, unimportant story....

So this is random, but very typical of something that would happen to me. So I'm going to write about it.

I think I have mentioned before that I'm not the most organized person. I know it's a shock to some. But I really have such good intentions. And I really am trying hard lately to get a little more on top of my life. So I bought myself a cute little notepad that sticks to my fridge to make my grocery lists on. And whenever I run out of something I just jot it down so next time I go to the store I'll remember what I need. And yes, I know that's what most people do, but I'm just catching on.

Anyways, I was going to Lethbridge the other day and made my list of what I needed. I was a little frazzled getting out the door with the kids and forgot my list. Don't worry though, I was in the burb, ready to go and I remembered and went back in and got it. So I'm at Walmart and Kash grabs my list and bites a big chunk out it. Whatever, I can still see most of it. Then I notice he doesn't have it anymore, I turn around and there it is at the end of the aisle. Thank goodness I noticed it. Nothing too major. So I'm done at Walmart, just had to go to one more store and get all my main groceries, you know all the stuff that was on the list. We get outside in the dreaded wind, and there goes my list. After all that, it's gone.


the fellers said...

haha, crap...that sucks, please tell me that you were able to remember a lot of what was on the list!

bgibb said...