Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Opinions please!

So we have been waiting for over two years to get our house stuccoed. The day has finally come and it looks much better. I wish that we had taken a before and after picture but of course I forgot. So here is where I need the opinions.

Love the look of the house except for the eye sore at the point of the house. You know, the ugly piece of wood that jutts down half way threw. This has ALWAYS really bugged me and to me the logical thing would be to cut it down, or at least cut it so it is the same height all the way across. I have begged Steve to do this but he says it won't work and then rambles some explanation about how the house used to have a flat roof or something. Anyways, I find that now that the house is stuccoed it stands out even more. Something has got to be done.

So what do you do??? Just repaint it white? Paint it the same cream as the build-outs? Put cedar shakes on it? Paint it the same color as the house in hopes that it blends into the house somehow? I really don't know what to do!!


Anonymous said...

I would put a front porch in and then put a pergola over that high window. Then it won't be a visual interruption but seem like it has a purpose and your eye will be drawn to the pergola and porch instead.
It would be beautiful!

shannon said...

i dont know what a pergola is...
you house looks AMAZING!!!! love it! i love the build outs. but i agree that somethng needs to be done with that white roof. let me think about it!

the fellers said...

oh cedar shakes would be cool!but yeah, I understand, the white is too bold...the stucco looks great though, love the color!