Sunday, December 5, 2010


Turned my back for one minute the other day to find this....

How would you respond if your daughter sweetly asked you if her toes looked beautiful? She was proud as punch of the job she did.

Speaking of messes, Kash seems to always know where to find the markers lately...


bgibb said...

oh man. what did you say?? i hope you said she does look beautiful. that's really funny!

shannon said...

hahah, hilar.

Leslie said...

tracie. is it just your kids or all kids that seem to have an addiction to colouring/painting/drawing all over anything and everything? hahaha that is hilar.

mishel said...

Oh yikes! Her toes are gorgeous! How did you get that off your floor??? There are no markers in my house anymore because Joey gets them...and he either looked like Kash or some place in my my carpet! So I got sick of it and threw them all away. Pencil crayons is all that's allowed now. ha,ha! I was desperate. Sad I know.

the fellers said...

I want to know what you DID say to her? oh man...