Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bear's Hump....

Last weekend we headed up to Waterton with the family, something we haven't done all summer yet. Me and the older kids wanted to hike Bears Hump so Steve gladly volunteered to stay back with the younger ones. I dropped them off at the park with bikes and a stroller and off we went. I haven't done this hike in a long time. My kids have a few times but it seems I'm always pregnant or something. All I have to say is it was harder than I remember. And I did not complain when they wanted to stop every 3 minutes and have their pictures taken.......

Briggs would of had his picture taken on every rock if I would of let him.

Briggs and Haylie were the speed walkers and made it up before Micah and I. It was nice going at her pace (or maybe she was going at mine) and being able to talk to her one on one.

Haylie is at the age where she likes to be a goof in every picture.

Well, here we are. Made it to the top. The view really is amazing. It was fun listening to the kids say the exact same things that I would think of and say when I was their age.

I must say that I was a nervous wreck while we were on the top and I'm not one to usually get overly nervous. If the kids ever got even a little close to the edge I would freak out. Just looking at the next picture makes me freak out a little.

It was a fun time. I would love to do it one more time before the snow comes but I doubt that will happen. After we got done we went and found Steve and the little kids. His parents were up there camping so he walked over and found them. We hung out there for a while, invaded in on their dinner, then went home. It was a beautiful day up there, not a breath of wind which you don't get very often.


Anonymous said...

TRACIE! i am so happy you updated your blog! i miss your kids, tell them hi from me!

the fellers said...

TRACIE you look AMAZING! What fun posts!